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Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

ā€” 2 Corinthians 5:17


Your Kingdom Identity

The Kingdom of God has everything you could ever want, need, or desire and is revealed through the ā€œword of the kingdom.ā€Ā  (The Word of God – Matt. 13:19)

One thing the Word of the kingdom reveals is your kingdom identity.Ā  This is who God has made you to be ā€œIN CHRIST.ā€

Who are you? What do you say about yourself?

Itā€™s imperative to take time to ā€œfind yourself in The Bible.ā€Ā  Did you know that you are in there?

John the Baptist did! (John 1:19ā€“23)

The religious people asked John, ā€œWho are you? What do you say about yourself?ā€

How about you?Ā  Do you know who you are?

What have you been saying about yourself?

What made Johnā€™s answer powerful was these FIVE WORDS ā€” ā€œAs the prophet Isaiah said.ā€Ā  John the Baptist found himself in The Scriptures!

There is nothing more sure, absolute, and authoritative than Godā€™s Word!

It is important to know your Bible identity for yourself, with conviction!

Jesus did! (Luke 4:16ā€“21)

What made the religious leaders so mad this day was not the reading of The Scripture, for this was Jesusā€™ custom.Ā  What infuriated them was when He said, ā€œToday this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.ā€Ā 

In other words, Jesus was saying, ā€œThis is Me!ā€Ā  With the help of the Holy Spirit, Jesusā€™ identity was revealed to Him through The Scripture.

Without a doubt, the reading of The Bible is powerful, yet, what satan really hates is when you begin to acknowledge and confess that you are who God says you are!Ā  This will begin to release power in your life!

Donā€™t just settle for reading or even memorizing scripture.Ā  Possess scripture!Ā  Own scripture!Ā  Begin to search for yourself in The Bible and when you find yourself, stop!Ā  Then open your mouth and begin to confess and acknowledge who Godā€™s Word says you are.

Personalizing The Scripture causes it to get planted in your heart so that your inner image can begin to change to line up with who God has made you to be in Christ.

Are you in The Bible also?Ā  Yes!Ā  You can find yourself in The Bible ā€œin Christ.ā€

You are Who Godā€™s Grace Has Made You to Be

Among other things, you are:

…a New Creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17)

…a son of GodĀ  (Gal. 3:26)

ā€¦Abrahamā€™s seedĀ  (Gal. 3:29)

…a King and a PriestĀ  (Rev. 1:5,6)

Your identity is who you really are!Ā  It is not who you are trying to be.Ā  It is not what you ought to be.Ā  It is not what you will one day become.Ā  It is who you already are now through your new birth in Christ.

You are what Godā€™s grace has made you to be!Ā  (1 Cor. 15:10; Eph. 2:10)

Identity empowers activity.Ā  When you discover and accept your Bible identity, you will discover the power to be who you already are.

This is how we think and speak now:

Because I am a son of God by graceā€¦itā€™s only natural that I do what the First Son did.Ā  (John 14:12)

And what did Jesus do?

He obeyed the Father.

He spoke the Fatherā€™s words.

He was led by the Holy Spirit and fulfilled His earthly assignment.

Now I do the same because I am also a son of God.

Because I am Abrahamā€™s seed by graceā€¦itā€™s only natural that I bless all the families of the earth. Ā (Gen. 12:1ā€“3)

As Abrahamā€™s seed, I discover that I am supposed to enlarge. I am supposed to increase, just like Abraham!

As Abrahamā€™s seed and with his blessing, everywhere I go I bring blessing. I solve problems! I bring answers and solutions!Ā  Environments change! Things get better!Ā  I am a blessing!

Because I am a king by graceā€¦itā€™s only natural for me to declare, decree, and speak to things. Ā (Job 22:28; Mark 11:23)

Stop and say this: ā€œI am what Godā€™s grace has made me to be!ā€

This is not something that you have produced.Ā  It is something that God produced FOR YOU. You were ā€œborn this way.ā€Ā  You are HIS workmanship.Ā 

So, do not frustrate the grace of God.Ā  Instead, accept what grace has made you to be.Ā  Agree with who The Bible says you are. (Gal. 2:20,21; KJV)

If you ever feel frustrated in life, go back to your identity.Ā  Because your identity will empower and release the right activity.

You must not only discover your Bible identity, but then you must also accept it and agree with it.

Stop and say this:

ā€œI am who The Bible says I am.

I have what The Bible says I have.

I can do what The Bible says I can do.ā€

ā€œI accept Godā€™s yoke, for it fits me perfectly!ā€Ā  (Matt. 11:28,29; TLB)

The Word of God is Your Mirror

Look to the Word to see yourself as you really are.Ā  Godā€™s Word will never lie to you!Ā  (Jas. 1:21ā€“25)

Itā€™s very important to look into the mirror of Godā€™s Word (the perfect law of liberty) and then keep on looking! Ā (Jas. 1:25)

Why do you need to keep on looking?Ā  Because satan and pressure from the world will always try to convince you that you are something different.Ā  He knows that a revelation of your identity will release a flood of powerful activity!

Godā€™s Word always produces in our lives ā€œwith perseverance.ā€ You must stick with it!

Do not be a forgetful hearer, but take time to SAY what Godā€™s Word reveals about you. (Jas. 1:26; Jas. 3) One of the most primary ways we ā€œdo the Wordā€ is by saying it.

Be wise, just like Jesus.Ā  Take time to find yourself in The Scriptures.Ā  If Jesus needed to do it, so do you!


My Identification with Christ

(This is written in the first person to be used as a personal meditation for the renewing of the mind.)

Identification:Ā  to consider or treat as one and the same; identical

Now that I am ā€œborn again,ā€ I am different than I used to be. I am a new creation in Christ.Ā  (2 Cor. 5:17)

I no longer regard myself ā€œafter the fleshā€ or merely as a natural man.Ā  (1 Cor. 3:3)

I no longer identify and define myself merely byā€¦

ā€¦my nationality

ā€¦my social status

ā€¦my gender

ā€¦for I have been baptized ā€œinto Christ.ā€ (Gal. 3:26ā€“29)

The question I should ask myself is not where I was born or who my parents are.Ā  The greater question I must ask myself is ā€œHave I been reborn?ā€ and ā€œDo I know who I really am now?ā€ because what happened in my new birth far supersedes any limitations from my first birth.

Just like the Apostle Paul, I consider myself as ā€œa man in Christ.ā€Ā  (2 Cor. 12:2)

My eternal identity is IN CHRIST. It is who I already am and what I will forever be! (Heb. 9:12; Eph. 2:7)

I no longer identify myself with Adam and his fall. I identify myself with Jesus and His victory.

I am no longer part of the family of the first Adam, with satan as my head. I am part of the Family of God now through the second Adam, Jesus Christ.

My first birth (natural birth) put me ā€œin Adam,ā€ and I shared his condition and inheritance. My ā€œnew birthā€ put me ā€œin Christ,ā€ and I now share His victory and inheritance. I am now a partaker of the divine nature. (2 Pet. 1:4)

Adam was cursedā€¦.but Jesus is blessed.

Adam was a sinnerā€¦but Jesus is righteous.

Adam was sickā€¦but Jesus is healed.

Adam was poorā€¦but Jesus is rich.

Adam was a slaveā€¦but Jesus has authority.

Therefore, in Christā€¦

I am blessed. (Gal. 3:13; Eph. 1:3)

I am righteous. (2 Cor. 5:21)

I am healed bodily.Ā  (1 Pet. 2:24)

I am rich and abundantly supplied. (2 Cor. 8:9; Phil. 4:19)

I have authority. (Eph. 1:19)

What Jesus hasā€¦I have, for I am a joint heir with Christ. (Rom. 8:17)

Everything Jesus did on the crossā€¦He did for me!Ā  What Jesus wonā€¦He won for me!Ā  His victory was my victory! (Rom. 8:37)

Everything Jesus did was ā€œtoward me.ā€ I am the beneficiary of His finished work on the cross. (ā€‹Eph. 1:7,8; ā€‹Eph. 2:7; ā€‹Rom. 5:8;ā€‹ 1 Jn. 4:9)

Everything God did IN CHRIST He did for me, and it was set to the credit of my account as if I did it!

As a Christian, the FIRST position I must take is my position ā€œin Christ,ā€ both in my thinking and in my talking.

As a Christian, I am never fighting FOR victory.Ā  I am always fighting FROM victory.Ā  I never act as the challenger.Ā  I always face lifeā€™s situations as the established champion in Christ.Ā  (Rom. 8:37)

Jesus went to the crossā€¦to give me the throne. (Eph. 2:6; Heb. 4:16)

Jesus was forsakenā€¦so that I will never be forsaken. (Matt. 27:46; Heb. 13:5)

At the cross, Jesus referred to His Father as “God”ā€¦so that I can refer to God as my own Father. (Matt. 27:46; Rom. 8:15; Matt. 6:9)

Jesus is now my wisdom, my righteousness, my sanctification, and my redemption. (1 Cor. 1:30,31)

Because I have Jesus, I have wisdom.

Because I have Jesus, I have righteousness.

Because I have Jesus, I have redemption.

How can this be??Ā  Because when Jesus went to the cross, I was there with Him. He died as MY SUBSTITUTE. (Gal. 2:20; Rom. 6:6)

I was crucified with Christ.

I died with Christ.

I was buried with Him.

I was raised with Christ.

I was seated with Christ.

Now I rule and reign by one, Christ Jesus!

Jesus identified Himself with me (on the cross) so that I can now identify myself with Him in His resurrection.

Now I look to Jesus, for ā€œas He is, so I am in this world.ā€ As I look at Jesus, I discover who He has made me to be, for I am like Him.Ā  (1 Jn. 4:17; 1 Jn. 3:2)

I now take time to study and affirm every good thing that is in me in Christ Jesus. I consider myself as I am in Christ. (ā€‹Philemon 1:6; ā€‹Titus 3:8; ā€‹Rom. 6:11)

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